The elementary education in the city is well managed by the municipal authority or by local trusts. Schools in Ahmedabad are either run by the municipal corporation or by several trusts. The schools of Ahmedabad have their affiliation with the state board of secondary education or with the CBSE or ICSE. The state affiliated schools use Gujarati as their medium of study while other schools (affiliated to CBSE or ICSE) use English as their medium of study. There are two deemed universities and one open university in the city, which provide degree courses in various fields of higher education. Ahmedabad has become a great seat of learning due to the presence of some renowned institutions like Indian Institute of Management, the National Institute of Design, the Mudra Institute of Communications, the National Institute of Fashion Technology and the Center for Environmental Planning and Technology. The city also holds some of the India’s big research centres like Physical Research Laboratory and the Space Applications Centre of the Indian Space Research Organisation. A satellite campus of the IIT, Bombay hsb been Already come up in the city to offer courses that will focus on the skilled-labour need of Gujarat viz. textiles, and aeronautical, marine, and ship engineering.
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